I recently injured my leg while browsing the internet. I was supposed to be writing a paper, but I got so caught up in the breaking Rob Blagojevich scandal that I sat in the library computer lab for about 8 hours, reading news about the scandal, watching the live press conferences, etc... I was sitting on my leg or had them crossed weird or something...so after 8 hours of not moving, something by my knee got messed up. I think I only wrote about two pages of my 15 page paper that day.
So I've been limping around town for the 3 days...and since you have to walk everywhere here, I've had alot of time to reflect on my injury. I got to thinking about other stupid injuries I've gotten. I'm not talking about the routine stuff...accidentally poking your eye or punching yourself in the face. Here are my top 4, in no particular order:
-injuring my leg while browing the internet (see above)
-spraining my shoulder while carrying a heavy water jug when I was the manager for my high school football team. the school newspaper could have written an article about it... Headline: "Football Team Waterboy Goes on 15 day DL, 'Water was Too Heavy' sources say". Of course I lied to everyone at school when they asked why my arm was in a sling...
-injuring my tricep while making a one-handed left-hand turn in my car. I was eating a McDonalds Xtra Value meal (2 cheeseburger meal) with my right hand, so my left hand had to do a sweeping, left-hand steering wheel motion unaided. ouch.
-falling off the top bunk of my college dorm room bunk-bed in the middle of the night. I had the weird experience of waking up in midair, before falling on top of my wrist. Evidently, this isn't all that uncommon. Regardless, I think I told people that I hurt it in an armwrestling competition or something.
Other people:
-a few years ago, when we were picking out a real Christmas tree at a Christmas tree lot, my mom injured her eye while trying to sniff a tree. It was a beautiful evening, about a week or two before Christmas. Snow was falling, Chrismas carols were playing, the smell of fireplaces was in the air. It was a very peaceful and idylic moment. Then my mom leaned in a little too close to one of the trees to make sure it smelled ok. A needle poked her in the eye and it really pissed her off. She barked at my stepdad and me to pick any tree and get the hell outta there.
The Winner Is!
-my friend Irfan, who wasn't know for being a particularly active person in college, once relayed a story to me about how he injured his neck while yawning and watching Sportscenter. i'm not sure of the details...but i'd be willing to guess that "yawning injuries" aren't all that common...
I couldn't think of any pictures that pertained to this post's subject, so here, for no good reason, is a picture of what I had for lunch. I got this "O'Flynn's Gourmet Sausage Sandwich" (read: fancy hot dog) at the outdoor Christmas market on Patrick Street, in Cork this afternoon.

Not sure if that's O'Flynn or not...but there are his sausages.